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Another Memorial Day has passed. The kids and grand-kids are gone. The television is off and all is quiet.

I’m alone with the ringing in my ears. And the names.

I have a book, a yearbook of sorts, that presents the highlights of my unit’s accomplishments during one of the years I served with them in Vietnam. Somehow that book survived the years when I tried furiously to burn my bridges and forget.

In the back of the book are 11 pages of names, listed in alphabetical order, white lettering on a black background. They’re the people of my unit killed in action that year.

483 of them.

From:  SP4 Angel L. Acevedo-Millian
To:     SP4 Larry E. Zapolski

I no longer try to forget… to deny my part… to act like it didn’t happen. And now that everything is quiet, it’s my time to remember.