
Whether it’s by accident or on purpose, you’ve landed at the site of T. W. Dittmer.

That’s me. I’m a self-published author. The covers of my novels are there on the right. Click on one, and you’ll go to the Amazon site where it’s available as a paperback or ebook. You can open the book up and read the first few chapters to see if you’ll like it.

You’re welcome to browse around and look over some of the posts. They’re arranged by what category I filed them under. Just click on a category and the posts will pop up so you can wander through them. I write about  varied subjects… from the almost comical saga of my self-publishing ordeal… to scattered, random thoughts that pop up in whichever side of my brain happens to be firing at the time.

I’d love to hear what you think, so feel free to leave a comment on a post. Some pretty interesting discussions come out of the comments on posts, and I’ll try my best to not always get the last word in.

Enjoy yourself. Life’s too short not to.